Distribution of various COVID-19 vaccine is now on its way in Australia and New Zealand. It is impossible to open a newspaper today without information about the latest outbreaks and the availability of the different types of vaccines. High profile media coverage has cast temperature control as a critical factor in safeguarding vaccine during the cold chain, from the manufacturer to transportation and storage. There is confusion around the challenges of distribution, why temperature monitoring matters, and how to ensure the safety and efficacy of the vaccine for patients. Some of the vaccines can be transported at 2-8 °C others and the first to arrive need very low temperatures -70 °C or below. There are ELPRO Libero data loggers for both temperature ranges, the Libero CL for the standard refrigerator temperatures and the Libero CD for dry ice shipments. The Libero ITS box level indicator is also suitable for the 2-8 °C temperature range. If you are unsure about the temperature ranges or handling once received contact the supplier of the vaccines.
ELPRO Libero Temperature data loggers for vaccines
Updated: Mar 19, 2024